Wednesday, September 27, 2006

The funniest thing I've seen in at least 3 years

As I exited Grand Central Terminal this morning, on my way across the street into my office, to my right, I heard one of those street advertising venders say "I hate my job, take a card so I can go!" Which is funny, in itself, because usually they say things like "Free News!" or "Free Cell Phone!" So as I was crossing the street, I look back to see why he would say such a thing, and it's this guy, a young, fairly cool, urban, hip-hop culture, african-american fellow, dressed in a full, white baby's one-zee, complete with padding to simulate baby fat, bib and frilly hat on top. I have no idea what he was giving away, but if I had to wear that ridiculous thing and stand at the busiest intersection in the country, I'd probably say the exact same thing. It was pure gold.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wow. That's it.

12:31 PM  

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